I have noticed a number of people that are commenting on the ground zero mosque. Some are saying that this is a matter of religious freedom and that it should be allowed. Others are saying that it is a constitutional issue. I disagree with both. They do have a legal right to build, but that has nothing to do with constitutional or religious right. It's not relevant.
What this is about is planting the flag of victory by a few muslims with and agenda at ground zero. Through out history, mulims have built mosques on either the holy ground of the defeated or the site of their conquests. This project is funded by the Cordoba Project. The name Cordoba project is significant in that it was a city in Spain that was conqured by muslims and was the capital of a caliphate. In fact we see many churches that were in conqured muslim lands that have been converted from chuches.
This ground zere mosque is on site the biggest attack on America in American history. Having a mosque is planting the victory flag. Now we have the media trying to claim that it is not even at ground zero. Well, the people behind it have tied it to ground zero by their comments. The media called it the ground zero mosque until the realized how much trouble it was causing.
The backers have said that it is to build healing and compassion, that it is a bridge to peopls of other faiths. The problem is that most people have said that they do not want it. If you really were trying to build bridges and show compassion and healing, you would not cram this down the throats of the people who are still traumatized by all of this. If they were concerned by others, they would respect their wishes. They do not want to hear our objections, they just want to hear the sound of the muslim call to prayer at groud zero.
It is also important to remember that many muslims don't want this because they understant how much hurt that this is causing for others as well. Not all muslims want this. Unfortunately, they never get heard from. They do not fit the agenda of showing muslims are victims and the American people are the opressors. Only the Muslims who are behind this and unfortunately alot of Americans that do not seem to understand or do not want to understand what this is all about really want this.
Now for all of those out there who are infavor of the mosque, let the bitter objections begin.
"First Man"
6 years ago